At the moment, the vast majority of the world’s population lives in cities. The part of the urban population in the most developed countries is 70-85%. The only exceptions are India and China, where only 30-40% of people live in cities. We are used to living in cities and it seems natural to us, but this was not always the case. In the past, it used to be natural to live on earth in harmony with nature, to put your labor and love into the earth and receive food and wisdom in return. When you live close to nature, you see its wonders every day. Change of seasons, transformation of energy, triumph of life. Looking at all this, you understand how perfect the natural mechanisms are and that humanity has not even come close to such technologies for the production of resources, waste processing and interaction in society. We need to learn from nature. Study and adapt its mechanisms of communication with family, society, and the environment.
A long time ago, something happened on our planet or beyond. People began to appear who did not know how to live in harmony with the outside world and other people. In a healthy society, life is sacred and therefore such people were simply expelled from it. They were eaten by wild animals or died alone. But over time, such people became more and more and they were able to organize into gangs, which began to rob the settlements of “healthy” people who could not defend themselves, because the murder was unnatural for them. Violence borns violence and all this has led to an increasing number of people who can kill. Then the bandits began to compete with each other. Fortified strongholds of bandits appeared to protect the loot from other brigands. The same outcasts and crooks flocked to these places, driven by a thirst to snatch a piece of prey. This is how cities appeared. And the bandits imagined themselves feudal lords invented the fact that their blood was “nobler” than others, invented money and forced the farmers and artisans to obey by violence. Imagine that you live and work on the earth for many years from generation to generation, care and cultivate the environment around you and then it turns out that this land “belongs” to some stranger and you still have to give him part of your products, build a castle for him and fight for his interests. Absurd! How was this even possible? But we still live in such a world. The people who make the greatest contribution to the production of the benefits of civilization receive the least of these benefits. And the power of the “feudal lords” rests exclusively on violence.
Take a look at the photo of cancer cells and at the city from the satellite. A spot of dead color, spreading in different directions, completely unnatural and does not fit into the environment. Just like a cancerous tumor, the city consumes a lot of resources for self-sufficiency and releases a lot of waste without recycling in all directions, thereby poisoning the environment.
Man is intended for an active life in nature. Only in this case he will be healthy physically and mentally. Man is a social being and he needs to communicate and interact with other people. The concept of communication and interaction includes not only conversations, mutual assistance and exchange of products, but also the exchange of genetic information (wedding), the exchange of useful microflora to increase collective immunity (hugs and kisses when meeting), as well as energy exchange (share joy, support in grief). Also, a person in the process of his life produces waste that needs to be recycled. At a certain concentration and type of these waste, nature and society are able to independently recycle them for their own benefit without additional energy costs from outside. But when a certain population density is reached, these mechanisms are disrupted. The human body and psyche cannot cope with such a large flow of incoming information and fails. To maintain life, a person needs air, water, a comfortable temperature, food and timely waste disposal. Meeting all these needs with a large concentration of people requires an overexpenditure of resources and leads to an overproduction of waste. Nonetheless, people in the city are constantly breathing poisonous air, drinking dirty water and eating unhealthy food. A large concentration of people causes a lot of competition, hence physical and emotional overload. The population of cities lives in a state of constant stress. Therefore, in cities there are not and cannot be completely healthy and happy people. Therefore, the incidence of cancer has been growing at an incredible rate lately.
Cities are favorable environments for the spread of diseases. Human immunity is weakened by constant negative influences of the environment, the number of social contacts every day is very large. Therefore, epidemics take on a catastrophic scale. In rural areas, the disease cannot spread quickly due to distance, low number of social contacts and good immunity of the population. All this allows society to react to the problem in time and does not overload the healthcare system.
We talked about the fact that diseases and pests are natural mechanisms for regulating the balance of the environment in another article and will talk more in the future.
When you live in a village, you know all the people in the area and communicate with them. In the city, you don’t even know all the people who live on the same floor as you. With a higher population density, urban dwellers are more prone to loneliness. Do you often meet with friends, even though you live a few kilometers away? In the city, you have to hide behind iron doors and keep an eye on your children, fearing criminals and maniacs. In the village, the doors are almost never closed and the children play quietly on the street, learning about nature and real life. You may not even know where. After all, in the village everyone is familiar and it is not easy for a criminal outsider to penetrate into society. At the same time, such publicity prevents all members of the community from bad deeds, because they will immediately become known to everyone, which will affect their reputation and well-being.
You will say that there are production centers in cities where many people work and therefore they all need to live nearby. Firstly, we should reconsider the need for large heavy industries and energy (see the article about the energy of the future). Secondly, modern logistics capabilities allow us to cover long distances in a short time. Calculate how long it takes you to get to work and back home. You can be stuck in traffic on your private car for an hour, and this is additional stress and an overexpenditure of your resources and the resources of the planet. While on a high-speed electric train in an hour, you can travel 100 kilometers with comfort in a dream, or reading a book. For the price of a cramped concrete box with poisoned air in a city, you can get a luxury house with a garden in the countryside. So why do people choose cities? During any cataclysms, cities are the first to suffer. The density of the population and development leads to a large number of victims. Even in the event of a nuclear war, the people will suffer less if they are dispersed over a vast territory, and not concentrated in cities, and after that, they can easily restore life and production. But there will be no global wars in the society of the future. In all respects, the distributed living of people surpasses urban crowding.
You will say that the city has more earning opportunities. Firstly, there is a large number of opportunities for remote work now, and secondly, you can develop infrastructure and commute to work from the suburbs. These are all intentionally created restrictions. The city is an artificial environment. It separates man from nature and its wisdom. A person in the city breaks away from reality and sees no reason in life except to work at work on workdays and then spend everything earned on the orders of advertising. A person is no longer able to survive in a natural environment. You can make more money in the city, but you will spend a lot more on doctors, psychotherapists and mindless consumption. The city makes a person weak, defenseless and lonely. After all, such people are easier to manage.
The material benefits of civilization to which we are accustomed are in fact very unstable. Many people nowadays cannot imagine life without the Internet. How long can you survive in a city without water and electricity? In a day, looting will begin, and in a week cannibalism. While in the village, you just go to bed earlier.
Despite all of the above, cities have the right to exist in the society of the future, but as scientific or production centers with competent space planning and waste recycling. Moreover, for most of the inhabitants, they will not be a place of permanent residence. Specialists will come to them only for the duration of the necessary work. Happy free people work much more efficiently than unhappy slaves, so we get productivity gains when working hours are reduced.
People are cells of the earth’s biosphere. At the moment, most of them are cancerous. Everyone knows that cancer kills the host and dies with him. It is within our power to change this and become a single healthy organism with our planet.
This paragraph will help the internet people for creating new blog or even a weblog from start to end. Raven Norry Baiel
What touching words 🙂