Winter garden

In winter, when nature goes to sleep, dark shadows reign around, and the surrounding landscape is covered with snow, sometimes it seems that all life has gone with the summer. But if you look closely, it will be noticed that the winter landscape is filled with many expressive details. Moreover, the beauty of some elements can be appreciated only in winter. Understanding what decorates the garden in the cold season, you can consciously use these elements. For some of them, you can decorate the site now, for others, you will have to wait for spring, and the results can be seen next year.


Against the background of white snow and inconspicuous shadows of withered grass, the graphic pattern of branches stands out, their strange intertwining, the contrast of massive trunks and thin shoots become visible. The difference in the bending of the branches, the growth characteristics of various types of trees and shrubs are obvious. This means that the shape of the plant and the crown will be of particular importance. In winter, the expressiveness of trees and shrubs with unusual crowns is especially evident: weeping shapes or falling shoots and even graphically twist against the background of snow.
Colored bark
In cold weather, when there is no saturated green of the leaves and the brightness of the flowers, the bark gives color to the rows of plants. And it doesn’t have to be dark, brown at all. Many trees and shrubs have beautiful bark, and using them in landscaping will make your site look bright and colorful during the winter months. Also, for these purposes, it is absolutely not necessary to plant exotic ladybugs (they will still have to be closed for the winter); there are many completely winter-hardy and unpretentious plants with bright shoots.
Berry colors
Bright or graphic accents will place plants with beautiful fruits. Mountain ash, hawthorn, wild rose: they need no introduction. Its red berries, scattered in bright splashes against the background of snow-covered crowns, make winter forests and gardens elegant. And an additional decoration will be the birds that flock to feast on the berries.
Winter and summer
Perhaps the most common source of winter site decoration is evergreens. When choosing your variety, do not get carried away by exoticism and choose hardy species that do not require shelter. Then, in winter, they can act as a dense green background or an expressive accent, contrasting with the graphic linear pattern of the bare tops of deciduous plants.
Dry panicles of cereals, powdered with snow or covered with frost, look very impressive. They decorate the site with an expressive graphic pattern and color: lush groups of gold and yellow enliven a restrained winter landscape. Therefore, they can be left for the winter, and cut only in early spring. The warm tones and natural texture of straw and reeds also help create decorative shelters for hardy plants.
Architectural forms
Functional objects draw the eye against the background of the snow-white cover and the softened lines of the surrounding nature. It becomes especially noticeable how interesting its design is. The decoration of gazebos, sheds and other stationary objects is now fully manifested. Especially beautiful against the background of white snow are “read” openwork elements and complex textures. Forging and carving complement the pattern of openwork crowns and icy patterns. And the warm tone of the wood contrasts with the cold snowy surface.
Bird feeders
The bird feeder can be present in the garden not only in winter, but it is in the cold season that it reveals both its functionality and its interesting design to the fullest. Bright colors or natural shades, a classic “house” or unusual shapes – in this small garden object you can safely show creativity and a sense of humor.

In the dark winter of late sunrises and long nights, lighting on the site is of particular importance. And special decoration. Even the light from the windows gives the garden an unusual atmosphere. Decorative lighting is also worth using in winter: snow acts as an excellent screen for light patterns.

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