Permaculture fire resistant

The climate is changing. More and more people find themselves in dangerous living conditions associated with high temperatures and fire danger.

The probability of “very large fires” is predicted to increase annually. This is primarily due to the lengthening of fire periods with a general increase in temperature throughout the planet. Forests burn out faster than they regenerate. Fires release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which increases the greenhouse effect. At the same time, the total amount of oxygen produced by trees decreases. We are literally slowly suffocating, losing part of our green lungs every year. With the loss of forests, the level of groundwater goes down. Territories that are productive for life are being lost. in a matter of hours, fire can destroy everything for which you have worked for many years, even yourself and your family. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate fire retardant patterns when planning your site design. The permaculture approach will help us here as well. Nature has all the answers. 

The main patterns of fire retardant design are

  • zoning of the site 
  • Water design
  • Live barriers 
  • Logistic chain 
  • Emergency shelters
  • Community work

addon: Fire Retardant Plants

Zoning of the site

Much of the work of preventing a fire threat should be done in the early stages. A good permaculture designer can consider the fire hazard factor when planning the area. If the site is located in an area with a high fire risk, then fire protection measures will require significant efforts. It is best to choose a suitable place in advance. Investigate the nature of the origin and spread of fires in the area. Research climatic conditions, prevailing wind directions, duration of fire seasons. Species composition and state of natural biotopes throughout the territory and beyond. It is necessary to assess the most likely directions from which a threat may appear.

The relief is also very important. A fire spreads much faster uphill than downhill. Different sections of the slope are subject to different fire risks depending on the intensity of the sun exposure. Thunderstorm activity should also be taken into account. the house and main buildings, where the inhabitants spend most of their time, should be protected by fire retardant spaces from other landscape elements. A competent landscape designer can build a system for the location of buildings and landscape elements, based on all these factors. Order the design of the site from us and it will be productive, beautiful and protected from natural threats.

Water design

Water design is a key factor in site planning. Water is life. It is used in all life processes and helps to build a fire protection system. In fire-prone areas, landscape design should be arranged in such a way as to collect and retain as much water as possible. The reservoir at the top of the site will provide the entire area with water pressure. Streams, ditches, ponds, biofiltration systems and other water design elements are effective barriers for fighting fire. You can also place emergency water tanks in the most fire hazardous points. Our company will help create an effective water landscape on your site and you will not be afraid of droughts and fires.

Live barriers

Trees themselves are also reservoirs of water. To protect against fire, it is necessary to plant species that absorb more moisture and contain less combustible oils. Evergreens with lush foliage will become an insurmountable barrier to fire. Ground covers and succulents – effectively stop ground fires. Walnut and orchards are much more resistant to fire than coniferous and eucalyptus thickets. Vegetable garden – can serve as a fireproof buffer. Do not hesitate to use exotic species, they can not only increase the biodiversity of the territory, but also resist the spread of fire. We can choose the types of plants that are suitable specifically for your conditions. They will decorate your site, become a source of food and raw materials, and protection in case of natural fires.

Logistic chain

A Four-meter wide road around your property and house enable a firebreak and provide access for fire trucks. The road can also be a catchment for water is collected in a swale or pond and garden. Dry stonewalls are another barrier. The more barriers and fire safe elements between you and the fire the more you greatly increase the safety of your property and the safer you’ll be. Well-done logistic network provides you access to any part of land for machines and supplies. Designing multiple ingress and egress points on the property can be a life saving endeavour. It’s a base of the space development. We can make paths through the plot for different purposes wisely

Emergency shelters

During fires, flying embers are a great danger. In fire hazardous areas, it is necessary to provide fireproof shelters for animals and people. These can be buildings made of bags of earth or adobe. Shelters that are partially or completely buried in the ground do best. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation system in the shelter and the organisation of temporary stay. Stock of food, water, fuel, dry closet.

Community work

It is much easier and more effective to prevent risk of fire in a community context. Together developed design of the territory and scenarios of a collective action on the danger. Water design and logistics become much more efficient when they are planned at a community scale. Planting a protective lines of Fire Retardant Plants, the sanitary pruning of nearby forests should be included in the agenda for the development of rural zone.

In the next post you can read about Fire Retardant Plants. What species will be usefull forpeople, garden and fireprotection at the same time.

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